Apple News | StandHear Travel Stand for iPhone

Agent18 has announced StandHear, an innovative travel stand for the iPhone.

The rugged construction and fold-up design allow the StandHear to be tossed in your carry on without a second thought. The adjustable leg provides for a customizable viewing angle and the unique built-in headphone splitter means sharing your favorite movie doesn’t mean missing half the sound.

The stand retails for $24.95.

• Adjustable viewing angle
• Built-in headphone splitter for a full sound experience
• Compact fold-up design for convenient portability
• Durable and rugged construction
• Shock absorbing exterior pads protect against bumps and impacts

• All iPhone models
• All iPod models
• Blackberry Storm
• Palm Pre

The StandHear is available at and in Apple Retail stores for immediate purchase.

-- Post From My iPhonf

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