Apple iPhone Micro USB Adapter
Use this adapter to connect iPhone to a micro USB cable to sync and charge, or to a micro USB charger to charge.
iPhone Dev-Team has successfully jailbroken
The iPhone Dev-Team has successfully jailbroken the new LTE Retina Display iPad.
jailbroken iPad3: (Just a first step, still lots of work to do! No ETA!)
It was thought that I0n1c would be the first to demonstrate a jailbreak for the iPad; however, as the iPhone Dev-Team noted yesterday there were several paths to a jailbreak.
jailbroken iPad3: (Just a first step, still lots of work to do! No ETA!)
It was thought that I0n1c would be the first to demonstrate a jailbreak for the iPad; however, as the iPhone Dev-Team noted yesterday there were several paths to a jailbreak.
Apple has stopped signing iOS 5.0.1

If your iOS device (or devices) is jailbroken, we hope you heeded our warnings not to update to iOS 5.1. As expected, the latest software update for Apple’s mobile OS breaks both the Corona untether and the Absinthe exploit in one fell swoop.
Even though Apple released iOS 5.1 on Wednesday, alongside the announcement of its new iPad, it continued to sign 5.0.1 firmware over the last 48 hours or so. Well, now it looks like that window has closed…
As noted by ModMyi, Apple has stopped signing iOS 5.0.1 for all devices. This means that downgrading your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from 5.1 to the previous version will now be more difficult, or even impossible, depending on your situation.
Folks with an A4 device that updated to iOS 5.1 can still downgrade back to 5.0.1 if you did the necessary prep-work. Those that have an iPad 2 or iPhone 4S, however, have no way of doing this.
Why is this a big deal? Well there is currently no jailbreak available for iOS 5.1, and we don’t have any idea when one will be available. Users with older (A4) devices can try to jailbreak via RedSn0w, but it’s a tad bit sketchy, and yes, it’s tethered.
- Posted using from my iPad
Apple Sells Out of iPad Launch Day Supplies in U.S. Online Store, Now Quoting March 19 Shipping
Apple has now completely sold out of its launch day iPad allotment in its U.S. online store, with all 18 models now offering shipping estimates of March 19 for new orders. Accounting for shipment time, customers placing orders now shouldn't expect them to arrive until the middle of the week following the device's launch next Friday.

A similar situation exists in the Canadian online store, while the stores for Australia and Singapore quote shipping dates of March 22 for all models. Stores for Apple's European launch countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK) and Japan are all quoting shipping estimates of 2-3 weeks for new orders.
Apple is planning to launch the new iPad in 25 additional countries on March 23, but with new orders in the first round of launches already bumping up against that window, Apple may be hard-pressed to have sufficient stock available to meet launch demand in the second round of debuts.
- Posted using from my iPad

A similar situation exists in the Canadian online store, while the stores for Australia and Singapore quote shipping dates of March 22 for all models. Stores for Apple's European launch countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK) and Japan are all quoting shipping estimates of 2-3 weeks for new orders.
Apple is planning to launch the new iPad in 25 additional countries on March 23, but with new orders in the first round of launches already bumping up against that window, Apple may be hard-pressed to have sufficient stock available to meet launch demand in the second round of debuts.
- Posted using from my iPad
Tim Bajarin: Apple’s new iPad sets the stage for innovation
Yesterday, “Apple introduced a new iPad and with it has raised the bar for anyone creating a competitive tablet,” Tim Bajarin writes for Tech.pinions. “The iPad, with its new Retina display that delivers 2048 X 1536 resolution, is clearly the highest definition tablet on the market. More importantly, as Apple pointed out, the work to create this type of HD quality experience on a tablet took many years of effort and tight integration with their new chip, which will make it very hard for competitors to match anytime soon.”
“One only has to view the new iPad against an older iPad 1 or 2 to see the major differences between the products,” Bajarin writes. “And it is even more pronounced when you view it next to an Amazon Kindle Fire or any of the other tablets on the market with standard definition displays… Apple also adds a new 5-megapixel camera that takes video in HD… also has an LTE option… the same battery life as iPads in the past… [and] prices are the same as on the older models… They are also introducing new apps from iPhoto to an updated iLife and an updated version of iMovie that allows for much finer creation tools to new ways to edit and distribute your movies via iCloud.. Software is clearly the key differentiator. The iPhoto demonstration alone will wow consumers and highlights the power of touch computing.”
Bajarin writes, “All of this new technology integrated into the new iPad will have a major impact on the market for tablets. From now on, this iPad will be the standard all other tablets will be compared to. And with it should come an even greater opportunity for Apple to pad their lead in tablets… That should give Apple a significant edge going into this holiday, as the iPad will clearly be the best tablet available bar none.”
Why the new iPad is called “iPad"

iPad HD, iPad 3. Those were a couple names the tech world speculated about before today’s announcement. All of them were wrong as we quickly realized when Tim Cook unveiled “the new iPad” earlier today.
But why is the new iPad simply called iPad? Couldn’t they call it the iPad 3 as good common sense suggested?
According to the WSJ, when asked about why such as simple name, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller answered “because we don’t want to be predictable.”
Fair enough, but something tells me there is more to it than just not wanting to be predictable.
Have you ever noticed how Apple names its new iMacs, MacBook Airs or iPod touch every year?
2009′s iMac was called “iMac” and 2011′s iMac is still called “iMac”. Likewise, the MacBook Air has been called “MacBook Air” ever since it was launched a few years ago. Same with the iPod touch. A few refreshes and notable upgrades haven’t changed anything to the simplistic naming convention.
So why did Apple drop the suffix for the iPad?
For a long time, Apple has made it clear that it doesn’t care about specifications. RAM, GB, GHz, and other MHz don’t mean much to Apple, and the company always tries to subliminally convey the idea that it shouldn’t matter to you either. After all, all you want from your computer is that it just works.
Now it seems that Apple doesn’t want you to care about what generation of device you have too. You don’t have an iPad 3, you have an iPad. You won’t have an iPhone 5, you will have an iPhone. We’re at a point where the appellation should not mean anything anymore. Apple wants to save you the headache of figuring out if your iPad is newer than your neighbor’s. It wants to keep it simple for you because you shouldn’t have to worry about that. Remember, your iPad just works.
Dropping the suffix is also a way to create a branding consistency and homogeneity among Apple’s product line. I believe this consistency and homogeneity is also the reason why we’ve seen an iOSification – or whatever you want to call it – of OSX lately.
- Posted using from my iPad
Do Not Update to 5.1
Written by: BigBoss
Apple has released 5.1. This is either being pushed out now or will be shortly. This has some bigger-than-normal impacts for jailbreakers. Please read this carefully.
There is no untethered jailbreak for 5.1. Do not update to it. You will lose your jailbreak, cydia, and all your tweaks..
Absolutely, do not use the onboard iphone software update to update your device. This will most likely render your device unbootable and you will be forced to restore to 5.1.
1) If you are on an iphone 4s or iPad 2, updating to 5.1 is one-way. (This may also be the case for iphone 4 users). You cannot revert back. If you try 5.1 you will be stuck there forever. You will not be able to jailbreak until a new jailbreak is released.
2) If you are on an iPhone 4 or ipad 1 or similar device, you will be able to jailbreak tethered, then install semitether to get a semitethered jailbreak. In short, this will be jailbroken but when you reboot, you will lose your jailbreak until you get back to your computer and rerun redsn0w.
3) If you are on an old 3gs, like always, you can jailbreak untethered.
Finally, some other issues to be concerned with. If you install something in cydia that causes your device to not boot, you have to restore, you will be stuck updating to 5.1. Therefore, I suggest you get SSH installed and learn how to use it. If your device is in an unbootable state, you can fix it via SSH. With SSH installed, you can get further help in our irc channel (, #ios).
Troubleshooting your device without restore:
If you encounter issues on your device like things are not running stably or such, rather than restoring, try to debug the issue. Here are my suggestions:
1) In cydia uninstall mobile substrate. This will remove many things. Allow that. Reboot the device.
2) After this, test the device. Is it stable? If so, move to step 3.
3) Reinstall one tweak of your choice. Only one. This will reinstall mobile substrate as well.
4) Test with just that one tweak until you’re satisfied your device is stable.
5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 with one tweak at a time until you find one that makes the device unstable. Remove that one only and continue on.
Categories: Jailbreak
Apple has released 5.1. This is either being pushed out now or will be shortly. This has some bigger-than-normal impacts for jailbreakers. Please read this carefully.
There is no untethered jailbreak for 5.1. Do not update to it. You will lose your jailbreak, cydia, and all your tweaks..
Absolutely, do not use the onboard iphone software update to update your device. This will most likely render your device unbootable and you will be forced to restore to 5.1.
1) If you are on an iphone 4s or iPad 2, updating to 5.1 is one-way. (This may also be the case for iphone 4 users). You cannot revert back. If you try 5.1 you will be stuck there forever. You will not be able to jailbreak until a new jailbreak is released.
2) If you are on an iPhone 4 or ipad 1 or similar device, you will be able to jailbreak tethered, then install semitether to get a semitethered jailbreak. In short, this will be jailbroken but when you reboot, you will lose your jailbreak until you get back to your computer and rerun redsn0w.
3) If you are on an old 3gs, like always, you can jailbreak untethered.
Finally, some other issues to be concerned with. If you install something in cydia that causes your device to not boot, you have to restore, you will be stuck updating to 5.1. Therefore, I suggest you get SSH installed and learn how to use it. If your device is in an unbootable state, you can fix it via SSH. With SSH installed, you can get further help in our irc channel (, #ios).
Troubleshooting your device without restore:
If you encounter issues on your device like things are not running stably or such, rather than restoring, try to debug the issue. Here are my suggestions:
1) In cydia uninstall mobile substrate. This will remove many things. Allow that. Reboot the device.
2) After this, test the device. Is it stable? If so, move to step 3.
3) Reinstall one tweak of your choice. Only one. This will reinstall mobile substrate as well.
4) Test with just that one tweak until you’re satisfied your device is stable.
5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 with one tweak at a time until you find one that makes the device unstable. Remove that one only and continue on.
Categories: Jailbreak
Apple released iOS 5.1 to the public today
This post is to remind users to backup their SHSH blobs by using TinyUmbrella.
Please refrain from updating.
Even if you cache your SHSH blobs for your A5 devices with TinyUmbrella, they will not be usable at this time. A loophole or DFU/iBoot level exploit is needed to overcome the iBEC apticket requirement upon restore.
If you would like to restore to 5.0.1 (9A405/9A406) anytime soon on A5 devices, I strongly suggest you do it now while Apple is still signing the aptickets.
- Posted using from my iPad
Please refrain from updating.
Even if you cache your SHSH blobs for your A5 devices with TinyUmbrella, they will not be usable at this time. A loophole or DFU/iBoot level exploit is needed to overcome the iBEC apticket requirement upon restore.
If you would like to restore to 5.0.1 (9A405/9A406) anytime soon on A5 devices, I strongly suggest you do it now while Apple is still signing the aptickets.
- Posted using from my iPad
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