SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1

Every time there’s a new jailbreak, the same message is preached: Save your SHSH blobs! In fact, even when there is not a jailbreak, it’s a good practice to always save your SHSH blobs. These files are absolute must haves if there ever opens up the possibility to downgrade back to iOS 6.1 once newer firmware is released. If you don’t save your blobs for a specific firmware, then the possibility of ever being able to downgrade to that firmware is slim to none.

Save your SHSH blobs right now. That way, when Apple drops iOS 6.1.1, or whatever its next firmware will be called, you will already have your blobs saved. Apple has been quick about closing its firmware signing window as of late, so once the new firmware is released, it might be too late to save the iOS 6.1 blobs.

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